07 March 2010

Short-Circuited; Plugging Back Into the Source

I've had no time, focus, energy, or inspiration to create or post lately; serious family illness, ongoing ex-husband drama, and never-ending legal proceedings have short-circuited my brain, and I'm struggling just to keep up with coursework. Well, actually, I'm struggling, but not keeping up... I guess I just have to keep doing my best. I did take a break, however, to see what creative things other people have been doing, and came across this:

Googling "flower mosaics" brought up the site for Judith Scallon, a talented mosaicist who creates beautiful images of floral scenes, koi ponds, and other natural wonders that awaken the senses and stir creative desire... So after this little trip around the interwebs I sketched out some more ideas for my "flowering spring" mosaic series, including using glass flower beads to add dimension and texture to the weeping cherry, hyacinth, and perhaps other flower panels. I won't be able to start on those for another few weeks, but just mulling over ideas and taking in others' works of beauty help calm my mind and ease my heart. I bid you all a creative, blessed day.

1 comment:

Kim Mailhot said...

Keeping you in prayers...and hoping you get a restful rest soon.