09 August 2010

Magical Mosaics 4: Faces in the Crowd

Detail from Isaiah Zagar's Magic Gardens mosaic art, Philadelphia, August 2010
I got so many photos from my mosaic walk last Friday that I'll be processing and posting them for quite a while. In addition to inspiring my photography it has awakened my long-dormant desire to do mosaics, and I'll be able to resume that endeavor in a few weeks once I'm home (tomorrow!!) and have rearranged the house a bit. Isaiah Zagar's mosaics are spontaneous and rambling, two things I have definitely not achieved in my work yet. I get very finicky about shape and fit of my tesserae (I use mostly glass and have taken to cutting rather than breaking it), which makes for very slow going and sometimes frustration that can dampen the fun. That might just be my style, but in addition to refining my skills I need to make it more fun so I can create "moments" like the ones pictured here.

I really like how Zagar incorporates pieces of things from other genres, such as the South American pottery in these photos, the bicycle wheels, the many different sizes and shapes of bottles, and so many other found objects. Again, I need to free myself up a bit... I think that will come with lots and lots of practice. I can't wait to get started again.

Detail from Isaiah Zagar's Magic Gardens mosaic art, Philadelphia, August 2010

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