08 November 2012

Morning Commute

Sunrise, Highway 169 between Magdalena and Alamo, Nov. 2012
I never thought I'd be able to handle a rigid work schedule that requires me to be out the door by 7:15 a.m., let alone enjoy the commute, but this is a major reason I can and do. Thirty miles of rolling hills, open vistas, and sunrises and sunsets make for an amazing commute that I could never have imagined a dozen years ago when my 30-mile commute took me through Southern California suburban sprawl at, usually, a maddening crawl. I remember nudging along those clogged freeways thinking that someday, just maybe, things would be different.

How amazingly different, indeed.


Jenni said...

Beautiful. Must be a lovely journey, such a peaceful start to each day.

Courtney Breul said...

Spectacular shot! Happy Friday.

Karen said...

That sounds like a lovely commute. Everytime I've visited NM, I've always felt it to be a magical place.