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Claret cup cactus flower (Echinocereus triglochidiatus), Water Canyon/Magdalena Mtns., NM, April 2011 |
Experiments in photography, jewelry making, mosaics, and other artistic obsessions
30 April 2011
Macro Love: Southwestern Spring
29 April 2011
Art Bead Scene April Challenge
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Spring Wine, Necklace in Shell, Pearls, and Vintage Brass |
This month's Art Bead Scene color challenge did indeed challenge me, until I found some amazing wine-colored shell components at Michaels earlier this week. The wonderful flowery lentils caught my eye right away, and I easily found coordinating pearls that I strung with glass seed beads for an "airy" feeling. The shell fan is actually half of a set; the other 6 pieces will probably become matching earrings. The 3 brass filigree beads on the left side, just below the shell button clasp, came from a 1960s necklace of my mom's that is slowly making its way into new pieces. The shell birds came from the Thunderbird Supply sale bin; you'll be seeing these in many colors in upcoming designs. I made a matching bracelet, too, and will finish the earrings this weekend and list the set on Etsy by Sunday. I missed the deadline to be part of the blog hop, but be sure to visit the blogs listed to see some really beautiful pieces by wonderfully talented designers!
28 April 2011
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Yucca, April 2011, near Magdalena, NM |
BTW: Back to Work
My Bead Table Wednesday contribution is a day late this week because I've had two ABQ trips (both fun) and haven't had a whole lot of time at either the bead table or the computer. I did get some pretties at Michaels -- happy birthday AND tax return day to me! -- and started a few sets, shown above, that I hope to finish up soon. Not today, though; it is sunny and not windy outside and I'll be gardening alllllllll day. The winds come back with a vengeance tomorrow, so today is it for me in the garden till next week, probably. As ferocious as our winds have been -- gusts up to 70 mph, and gritty, choking dust that gets into everything -- I know it's nothing compared to the weather seen in other parts of the country this week. So I'll send today's perfect sunshine east... and hope we get one good soaking rain to tamp everything down before the winds blow us right on over into Texas.
25 April 2011
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Tulip, April 2011 |
24 April 2011
Macro Study: Arise
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Zucchini sprout, April 2011 |
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Tomato sprout, April 2011 |
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Cucumber sprout, April 2011 |
I'm not lonely, though; Lucy and the cats have been right by my side all day, inside and out. Despite the incessant wind I have been out gardening all weekend, digging beds for all these sprouts and laying new driplines for the Great Garden Expansion of 2011. I tell people I'm expanding the garden because of high food prices and declining produce quality, but really, I'm a woman possessed. Later this afternoon, though, I'll take a break to go walking with Lucy out on the property and clean up my mom's little stone house that now seems to be her de facto gravesite. Her ashes are back in Philly, but I'd like to bring them out here this summer. It feels like she belongs here.
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Zucchini sprout, April 2011 |
20 April 2011
Public Art
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Rodeo Bull by Holly Hughes, Magdalena, NM, April 2011 |
18 April 2011
Chag Sameach (Passover Greeting)
Moroccan low bowl, kiddush cup and tray by clay artist Lia Lynn Rosen |
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Wheat-impressed matzoh tray by Lia Rosen |
Passover -- a family-focused, festive holiday that celebrates freedom and hopes for the future -- begins at sundown tonight. Out here in the rural Southwest I hear almost nothing about it, and I haven't been to a seder since 1992 (just before I left Philly to head west), but every year I think about it and this year might share some of the traditions with my kids. Even better would be to attend a seder again... of course, my various "high-maintenance dietary issues" (no gluten, no unfermented dairy, no alcohol -- good God my innards are finicky) would make me a difficult guest, but guess what? A quick Google search of "gluten-free Passover" brought up lots of recipes and product ideas because, of course, gluten-free has become a marketing trend, like vegan and organic. Trendy as it may be at the moment, gluten-free is not just a "lifestyle choice" for some of us. Nonetheless, thanks to growing awareness of gluten intolerance I am a bit less embarrassed to be one of those "oh, I'm sorry, I can't eat that" people everyone hates to invite to dinner and am relieved to be able to find both ready-made products and basic ingredients to revamp my pantry. I've done gluten-free birthdays and other holidays; shall I try to bake some gluten-free matzoh this year?
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Kiddush cup and tray by Lia Rosen |
As for the wine, when I was a kid (my family converted to Judaism for a few years when I was 9 or so, in case you're wondering why a total white-bread girl like me is writing about Passover) I was given red grape juice at seder; now, if I took my own in a lovely decanter, would I still be able to participate? I also remember being asked to present one of the questions one year and was able to do so in Hebrew after just half a year of Hebrew school two afternoons a week. I can barely remember a full prayer or other phrase now but was quite fluent there for a while. Hebrew school was also where I first learned to sing, something I didn't know I could do and have greatly enjoyed ever since. So, even though I felt a bit weird sitting out during "regular-school" Christmas and other programs, I learned about a whole new culture from the inside and built a broader foundation for a spirituality that is anything but narrow. Weird and shifting lately, for sure, but definitely not narrow.
So... politics and religion in one week? I know, I'm pushing it... And now I'm off to pour some pomegranate juice (no grape on hand) and prepare fresh parsley, salt water, and hard-boiled eggs for a mini-not-really-seder to share with the kids.
Mosaic Monday: Bug Brigade
Time for Mosaic Monday, and I'm ready this week (for a change) thanks to a major break in my schedule that so fortuitously coincides with gardening season. One of the more surprising and fun discoveries I made last year with my DSLR (purchased on Ebay with my modest tax refund) was how clearly I could photograph bugs. It isn't always intentional; sometimes while I'm focusing on a flower, a bug I didn't notice with the naked eye will suddenly become clear in the viewfinder, as with the tiny yellow spider in the middle row, or land squarely in the frame, as the moth did on the gaillardia next to the spider image.
I also appreciate being able to choose between autofocus and manual focus; the spider definitely needed manual focus (as well as manual aperture and shutter speed) so that I could choose the depth of field and the exact area of focus, whereas I was lucky to catch the painted lady butterfly at bottom left with autofocus just before it flew away. I can also switch quickly, as I did for the photo at right: this lovely field of wildflowers near the crest of the Magdalenas suddenly offered a more interesting shot when the fly landed right in front of me, so I switched to manual to be sure I caught it in focus. (Confession: I had to take four shots to get one that was in focus. Just another reason I LOVE digital: no wasted prints for the 90% of shots that don't come out so well.)
17 April 2011
You know I love macro
I was going to take a day off from blogging to garden and think about concrete actions I might take about the political stuff I ranted about yesterday, but I couldn't resist joining my blogging friends who are sharing their beautiful macro/close-up photos today as part of the "I Heart Macro" blog hop that Lori at Studio Waterstone is hosting. Lori's lovely blog is new to me, and I'm glad to see another person who digs jewelry making and photography, and dedicates her blog to both without worrying (as far as I can tell from her posts) about not having a "single-purpose" blog. My contribution to the blog hop captures the simple blossom of a wild blue lettuce gone to flower; it's not terribly noticeable or remarkable until those delicate blue stamens come into view through the macro filter. This is why I let some of my greens and herbs bolt and flower, then go to seed; many of my favorite photos have come from my and a friend's kitchen garden. Speaking of which, it's time to finish the drip system for my new asparagus bed...
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Blue lettuce (Lactuca tatarica) from the kitchen garden, Magdalena, NM |
16 April 2011
Diversion (a political rant)
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Old Timers Parade, Magdalena, NM, July 2010 |
That said, the recent budget wars have compelled me to break my silence because, politics aside, the outcome will not only hurt vulnerable people everywhere but will nearly decimate life in many small communities such as mine. Those same politicians who invoke a storied "small town America" have proposed and voted to enact deep budget cuts to programs that keep many small towns alive -- not just the much maligned (unfairly, I believe) social programs such as Medicaid and other public assistance but also funding for police and fire departments, block grants for economic development and essential infrastructure improvements, funding for public health initiatives such as substance abuse treatment programs, preventive health screenings, and mental health crisis intervention, and many educational programs such as Head Start, special education, and literacy and math skills enhancement.
When the politicians stand up to justify such cuts by saying things like, "times are tough, and tough choices had to be made," my head just about explodes because of what remained untouched in all the smoke : tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, the Pentagon budget, corporate tax breaks and subsidies, and of course salaries and operating expenses of the very politicians telling us to tighten our belts and share the sacrifice. As I listened to this video, my 8-year-old looked up from playing Spore and said, "Mama, that doesn't really sound fair. Why do rich people pay less taxes but now there's not enough money for kids to go Head Start and have libraries and stuff?"
I am not about to tell my kids that "we all need to share the sacrifice" when certain entities clearly are not about to share anything with the rest of us, especially as more and more gets taken away from them in school, from their health care, from their community, and from their futures. If the budget is a "moral document," as many have stated over the years, what do the current proposals say about us as a nation? That we are hopelessly lost and morally bankrupt, or that vested interests with deep pockets are finally succeeding in hijacking the national debate and governing bodies?
15 April 2011
The Day the Circus Came to Town
The circus came to town this week, which was quite a surprise given how far off the beaten path Magdalena is. I was a bit hesitant to get the kids' hopes up about a small-time circus, but since we kind of had no choice once they'd heard about it, we all went on Thursday evening and actually had a great time. This was the kids' first circus, and it started with the lion and tigers who seemed a bit subdued but nonetheless wowed people just by being so large in physical size and presence. Other acts included juggling, dog tricks, unicycling, and acrobatics, and they were all really well done and enjoyable. I didn't take my DSLR because it just sucks in low light, and I also feel self-conscious using it in public; Dad's (formerly Mom's) Canon PowerShot didn't seem to do any better, and I had no idea what I was doing (it's pretty sad that I can do everything manually and usually well with my camera and am all thumbs with a point-and-shoot).
I did manage to get a few shots that, because of the low light, were very noisy (the equivalent of grainy in film photography) but salvageable thanks to Topaz DeNoise and Topaz Detail. You may notice the inside images seem a bit too smooth, and that's because removing the noise also, of course, sacrifices some detail. Someday, I'll have a fast lens... someday. In the meantime, I'm definitely getting my money's worth from my post-processing software, and I remind myself every time I want to shoot in low light that even a top-notch camera can take crappy photos if used only as a technical instrument. I also remind myself of how photos become an important part of memories, especially over time. My kids will look back happily at these photos of their first circus and will remember the cool high-wire acts and silly clown -- this one definitely wasn't scary -- and ferocious lion and tigers, and the treats their grampa bought them. That is a big part of why I take photos, and it's at least as important as the enjoyment and creative expression that photography brings to my life.

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(Maggie isn't smiling because she just got brain freeze from her snow cone) |

14 April 2011
They're Ba-aaack!
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Female Rufous Hummingbird, Patterson Canyon, NM, Sept. 2010 |
13 April 2011
BTW: Studio Time!
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Today's bead table: Keeping it simple and focusing on wirework. (I traded textbooks for sterling wire - thanks, Amazon!) |
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(I really need to scour my bench block.) |
(That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it.)
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Gourd experiments in progress (note goggles & dust mask) |
12 April 2011
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Lucydog patiently awaits her water-bearer, near crest of Magdalenas (Oct. 2010) |
My sweet Lucydog is recovering well from her leg surgeries and, fingers crossed, will soon be able to hike with me again. Dad and the kids and I have taken her out to the property a few times in the past week, and although she's not ready to chase jackrabbits yet she has been going a bit farther and faster each time we go. I'll take her to the vet in the next week or two for a follow-up X-ray, and assuming she's healing up well we can slowly ease back into hiking. I need to recondition almost as much as she does; I hate hiking alone, and the kids only seem to enjoy it in good weather (sensible, aren't they?), so I haven't gone much at all in the past few months.
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Kelly Smithsonite hand-wrapped in sterling silver |
11 April 2011
Mosaic Monday: Columbines
Hey there... time for Mosaic Monday, my first in a few weeks. Yeah, it's been a while. I didn't intend to take a break from blogging, but it kind of came along with stepping (stumbling, staggering...) back from the computer during my break between classes. Of course, I love being able to complete a full degree program online. I'm totally accustomed to and comfortable with computers after 2+ decades of using them for jobs, school, photography, and other pursuits. But after 10 fast-paced weeks of coursework, and especially when the weather warms up, I do not want to be inside, I do not want to be looking at a screen, and God knows I am tired of trying to make myself comfortable in this chair day after day and night after night.
So when I finished my final marital/family counseling courses a few weeks ago, I pushed back from the computer and pretty much stayed away, except to check email and manage the process of getting my July internship approved. Oh, and to sign up for more courses (what is wrong with me??) on addictions counseling and support. The need is huge, and although I shied away from this area when I started my program in 2008, I find the family systems approach to addictions interesting and potentially useful in many cases. And given that so many people are affected by addictions, either their own or that of family or friends, understanding more about it can maybe help me help them a bit better. I guess we'll see -- I start my internship 3 months from today, and in addition to having the logistics all worked out, I also, quite uncharacteristically, already have my wardrobe ready. I hope that doesn't sound shallow, but I've been primarily working over the Internet since 2002 and over the years my clothing has dwindled to jeans, fleece hoodies, and ranch boots.
Now, I didn't go so far as to head to a mall (my head would explode for sure); I kept it simple and used my 35% off email coupon for Sierra Trading Post, from whence came said jeans, hoodies, and ranch boots, and which also has a particularly fetching collection of women's spring clothing this year. Of course, I can't wear the new clothes here; I live in a remote, dusty cowtown where people ask, "So, you dressed up for a job interview or for a date?" when I so much as put on earrings... no, seriously, it's literally too dusty here. So when the time comes I'll dress myself up all fancy, dash off to the car before too much dust clings to me, and zip up to Albuquerque which, around here, is The Big City.
Anyhoo. I'm sort of back; I'll be gardening more and hiking my sorry butt back into shape (Lucy is doing great after two leg surgeries this winter, so we're both finally getting back out on the trail), but since classes started today I'll be around again. I look forward to catching up on what you all have been up to, and I hope it's gettin' on spring 'round your parts!
05 April 2011
Old Tree, New Life
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Apple Blossom, April 2011, Magdalena, NM |
02 April 2011
Everything Feels Better in Sunshine
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Tulip, Magdalena, NM, April 2011 |
In New Mexico the spring sunshine also brings strong winds, and it has been so dry lately (2 months without a drop of rain) that any spark can quickly fan into a fire, as happened on Thursday less than a mile from my home. I watched the smoke billow all afternoon and paused from my gardening to count the firetrucks and volunteer firefighters racing up my road to gain access to and control over the fire's southern edge. Thankfully, no one was hurt and no structures burned, but the fire came within a few feet of one family's home and was only arrested by a dozen or so people, including the homeowners, wielding fire and garden hoses. My neighbors across the road, whose property backs up to where the fire was burning, were readying their horses for evacuation as the winds abated and the firefighters gained control. I would have been over there in a heartbeat to help out, if only to lead the horses over to my yard for safe keeping.
I'll try to blog more in the next few weeks, but for now, I have lots of gardening to do! I've planted all my seeds for indoor and coldframe germination (I can't set anything out till May 15), and today I need to clear old garden beds and start digging up a new section so I can grow more veggies! I hear some of you are having rotten weather, so I'll try to send some sunshine and warmth your way. Enjoy your weekend, whatever the weather!
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